Hormonal imbalances can occur in females of all ages. These imbalances, compounded by stress, can cause many unpleasant symptoms, such as infertility, bleeding problems, insomnia, fatigue, headaches, foggy thinking, cramping, PMS, mood swings and more…   

Heavy Bleeding / Cramping    ●   Irregular Menstrual Cycles  ●   Headaches
Temperature Fluctuations / Osteoporosis  ●  Problems with Memory
Lack of Energy / Fatigue  ● PMS / Increased Irritability  ●  Sleeping Problems
Depression / Mood Swings  ●  Heart Palpitations  ●   Infertility or Post-Partum Blues
  Inability to lose weight / PCOS   ●   Retaining Fluid / Acne  ●  Breast Tenderness

CLICK HERE – Check Your Hormone Levels

It’s important to understand that when your level of progesterone is too low, estrogen becomes the dominant hormone. When this happens and a woman develops a hormonal imbalance called estrogen dominance, estrogen becomes toxic to the body.

CLICK HERE – Females – What to expect during treatment

NP note regarding Breast Cancer:  The scientific literature is clear that an excess of estrogen or estrogen activity at the cellular level is the root cause of breast cancer.  We know too, that hormonal imbalances triggered by the use of synthetic hormones (birth control pills, Premarin, Prempro, Premphase, Provera, etc.) can have deadly consequences.  The most recent definitive study, the Women’s Health Initiative Trial, was abruptly cancelled in July, 2002 when it showed a greater risk versus benefit (with the use of synthetic hormones) for a majority of diseases it was originally thought to prevent:

·         41% increase in strokes

·         29% increase in heart attacks

·         26% increase in breast cancer

·         22 % increase in total cardiovascular disease

·         A doubling of the rate of blood clots

·         A possible contributor to Alzheimer’s disease

Bio-identical, Human-identical, or Natural Hormones have chemical structures that are identical to the ones that our bodies produce. The hormone products used in Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) are carefully prepared by compounding pharmacies which specialize in preparing medicinal products individually-tailored to the unique needs of each client. Women of all ages can experience one or more of the symptoms listed at the top of this page. After being properly treated with bio-identical or natural hormones, these same women can experience increased overall health and a significant reduction of these symptoms.

NP Note:  In my writings and on the pages of my website, I use the terms bio-identical, human identical, and natural interchangeably. These are different words that I use to mean the same thing, and I define them collectively as hormones that are identical in molecular structure to the hormones produced endogenously by the human body.

However, I strongly caution my readers to be careful NOT to assume that whenever they see the word “natural in print on sources other than on this website, particularly on food labels, that their definitions will be as straight forward or honest. For example, in many food-grade products on grocery store shelves today, there is misleading and deceptive use of the word “natural.” From hundreds of examples, I will share just ONE here:

Manufacturers have become acutely aware that many consumers would prefer NOT to have MSG (mono sodium glutamate) in their food. Some manufacturers have responded by using “clean labels,” i.e., labels that contain only ingredient names they think consumers will NOT recognize as containing MSG — names such as “hydrolyzed soy protein.”  Others advertise “No MSG,” “No MSG Added,” or “No Added MSG,” even though their products contain MSG.

Here’s a sample label from a common food product – ORGANIC Free Range Chicken Broth:
Ingredients include natural flavor– but the manufacturer doesn’t tell what is in the “natural flavor” and/or provide an analysis of the amount of processed free glutamic acid in their product!!

So, I encourage you to be well informed and make sure you have done enough research to know what product labels really mean. This will be an ongoing project just to stay up-to-date, as manufacturers develop new ways to label their wares. Please do not assume that if a food label contains the word “natural” that it has the same inference that I use in my writings and on this website for defining bio-identical, human-identical, or natural hormones. :)

CLICK HERE – Females – What to expect during treatment