Adenomyosis and Natural Progesterone

Benefits of Natural, Bioidentical Progesterone in Adenomyosis


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Adenomyosis is the presence of endometrial glands and supporting tissues in the muscle of the uterus where it would not occur normally. When the gland tissue grows during the menstrual cycle and then at menses tries to slough, the old tissue and blood cannot escape the uterine muscle and flow out of the cervix as part of normal menses.

Kathryn Ruth DeSantis Family Nurse Practitioner

Kathryn, Nurse Practitioner

This trapping of the blood and tissue causes uterine pain in the form of monthly menstrual cramps. It also produces abnormal uterine bleeding when some of the blood finally escapes the muscle resulting in prolonged spotting. It more often occurs in the posterior wall of the uterus.

Adenomyosis occurs more often as we reach our 40’s, perimenopausally.

In hysterectomy specimens, adenomyosis can be found from 15% to 25% of the time. The glandular change of the endometrial cells in adenomyosis are often incomplete in the second half of the menstrual cycle (luteal phase) and as a result, adenomyosis may not be very responsive to suppression by progesterone.

About 50% of adenomyosis is asymptomatic although as it goes deeper into the uterine muscle it tends to be more likely to produce symptoms. It is also often associated with fibroids, and often associated with other conditions such as ovarian cysts, prolapse and even gynecological cancers that can cause pelvic pain.

Chemicals that mimic estrogen (xenoestrogens) seem to be the cause of adenomyosis. There are 85,000 chemicals in use in the USA, and some of these chemicals have hormonal effects that provoke adenomyosis.

We know that when a woman falls pregnant, often adenomyosis (and endometriosis) will disappear, only to return again after pregnancy. There is some very strong correlation between the two. This suggests that the sex hormones are involved and that high progesterone levels produced in pregnancy play an important part in controlling this disease.

Most women with endometriosis remain on progesterone cream for maintenance and pain control, and adjust their dose when necessary, increasing when indicated such as in times of stress.

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